
Tony Cook

Executive Director

Tony was born in Tipton and raised in Arcadia in Hamilton County, where he graduated from Hamilton Heights High School.

He attended Anderson University on an athletic/academic scholarship, where he played football and baseball. After graduating with an area social studies major and a physical education and health major, he then went on to earn degrees from both Butler University (MS, Education/Administration) and Purdue University (EdS in Curriculum and Administration).

In December 2013, after a 41-year education career, he retired as Superintendent of Schools from Hamilton Heights, having previously served as high school principal of Hamilton Heights and of Noblesville.

One highlight of his professional career as a principal was the successful integration of Ryan White (nationally first AIDS student admitted without restrictions) into Hamilton Heights High School, allowing him to pursue some normalcy in his short life.

During his eight years in the legislature, he was selected as the Mitch Daniels and Cheri Daniels Community Health Leader of the Year, the Indiana Architecture Association Legislator of the Year, Richard Lugar Award for outstanding contributions in education and sports in Indiana, and the Indiana Humane Society Legislator of the year.

He authored, co-authored, and sponsored more than 90 bills that were enacted into law. He also has been appointed by the Governor and Speaker of the House to two state commissions: the Civics Education Task Force, and the Indiana Disability Rights Commission and was the co-chair of the Trails Caucus.

Over the years, Tony was honored to have received several educational awards and served on state educational committees (including with the Principals Association and Superintendents Association), with the ultimate honor of having the Hamilton Heights community name the new high school media center after him.

His favorite leisure time activities include reading, hiking, traveling, hunting, fishing, watching sports, fitness training and any time he can enjoy family activities. He also currently serves as a consultant/advisor to the Commissioner of the IHSAA.

He has been married for 47 years to his wife, Kathryn, who is a senior partner of a law firm in Frankfort. They have two adult sons, Tyler a TV/documentary producer in Long Beach, California for the Los Angeles County Office of Education, and Travis, who lives in Denver, Colorado and is a craft beer marketing manager for Melvin Brewing. They have three grandsons.

Tony has volunteered as a community sports coach and advisor, and has mentored school administrators. He and his wife have been members of Cicero Christian Church for 38 years, and have been involved in numerous volunteer outreach activities through the church.