Policy Positions

ADM Formula

CGSS supports the current ADM formula in the Indiana code as is and will support efforts to decrease chronic absenteeism in our schools.


It is the hope of the Coalition that the General Assembly will clarify what fees are currently permissible to be charged to parents in areas such as consumable materials, lab fees, gym uniforms, musical instruments and co-curricular fees, as examples.

Funding Formula

CGSS supports the current formula in Indiana code. CGSS supports keeping the formula to fund only traditional public schools.

K-12 State Program Funding

CGSS supports keeping all funding for curriculum materials out of the funding formula.


The Coalition recognizes that improving Third Grade reading scores and overall literacy must be a priority and intends to work in cooperation with the General Assembly, and the Department of Education, and provide suggestions and strategies for how to approach this problem.

Local Revenue

Property Tax focus: CGSS requests that all new growth AV in the school’s taxing district be used to fund growing school districts. This new AV means that the school now has new students, teachers, and programming to fund as the school keeps up with a growing school population. CGSS opposes capping new AV.


TIF Statute focus: CGSS feels a review of the TIF statute is necessary to ensure the original intent is in place and protected. CGSS requests that TIF not negatively affect certain local government units, including schools.


CGSS opposes moving referendums to general elections. CGSS would like local control over when referendums are put on the ballot. CGSS supports efforts to clarify referendum language questions to more accurately reflect the fiscal increase or decrease for the taxpayer or a business within the school district.

Unfunded Mandates

The Coalition recommends that the General Assembly pass no new unfunded mandates. This encompasses ensuring the General Assembly does not add to the reporting requirements of schools. The coalition is grateful for past bills that have reduced duplication of reporting requirements to multiple agencies, and we encourage more efforts to be included to further reduce duplication and obsolete laws still active in Title 20. The gateway system is recommended for posting all reports.